After a little rain and some (slightly) cooler temperatures, I forayed out into the garden this morning to see what was still holding on after our hottest ever August.
In this picture, you will notice the Lindheimer senna looking prety perky with its sunny yellow flowers and velvetty soft grey- green leaves. What a winner- it takes the heat and the dry without losing a leaf. Five years ago one of these seedlings piggy- backed into my garden in the pot of a Barbados Cherry I bought at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. I didn"t know what it was but I gave it a shot and it shot up and bloomed it's heart out for a few weeks beginning in September. It produces lots of long seed pods that will provide you with plants for years to come. I love the leaves on this plant and look forward to the splash of color it brings in the fall when lots of plants are pretty done in.
The aptly named beauty berry has colored up almost overnight, it seems. I'm enjoying the vivid purple berries while I can. The birds really love these and they don't last long. Putting it near the birdbath was a good choice- one stop shop for the birds and this plants likes the extra water it gets from frequent fill- ups of the bath.
I love the senna. I need to encourage some of that in my yard. Yay! for natives.